Telehealth therapy for athletes and individuals struggling with high sensitivity, disordered eating and body image concerns, anxiety, perfectionism, and shame.

I am so glad you are here.
“Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen.”
- Brené Brown
You’re exhausted. You feel an unwavering pressure to be perfect without ever showing it, complaining, or asking for help. You feel disconnected from your mind, body and spirit, but often times it feels safer to just keep everything you’re feeling inside because you’re afraid of what might happen if you let it out. I get it. Change is scary. And it’s not something you have to experience alone.
As Brené Brown so beautiful reminds us, “Vulnerability is not weakness; it is our greatest measure of courage.” Let’s walk this path together.
Individual Psychotherapy
As an athlete, you are held to a different standard and the invisible pressures of your role and responsibilities can be debilitating.You love your sport, but lately the demands of it paired with the stress of academics, work, your social life and taking care of your mental health have been exhausting. You feel pressure from your coaches, peers and yourself, and your sport is starting to lose its joy. You find that your anxiety and dread are impacting your mental and physical performance, and you fear that you’re one small stressor away from throwing in the towel and leaving your sport behind, but you don’t want to quit. I’ve been there. Let’s get curious and compassionate about these feelings - you don’t have to go through this alone.
Diet culture is everywhere and you can’t seem to escape the pressures of it. You’ve heard of body positivity and body neutrality, but what does that all even mean? You know you’re tired of comparing your body to others, criticizing your body and how it looks, and having a complicated relationship with food. Disordered eating and body image issues can be complex, but a reality exists in which you feel comfortable, confident, and safe in your body - let’s explore together what that reality and path look like for you.
You’re overwhelmed with the demands you feel from yourself and the world around you. You dread the days ahead and everything feels like a task or checkbox that you need to complete, but you never feel good enough; the goalpost seems to always be moving just out of reach. You forget what joy feels like and fear that you’ll never be able to break out of these patterns. Part of you is scared to know yourself without these anxious thoughts and feelings. You’re in the right place to begin moving through this - let’s explore together how you can learn how to work with versus against your anxiety.
You’re tired of hearing the words: “You’re too sensitive.” You feel things deeply not just in your mind but throughout your body, and you find it hard to witness pain without experiencing pain. You easily become overwhelmed when exposed to loud noises, busy days, or experience an abrupt change in plans. You have a rich and elaborate inner world and are deeply moved by expressive arts. You notice subtleties in people and things in your environment, and you’ve often been labeled as “shy” or “introverted.” You’ve always known yourself to be different from the “norm” but could never quite put words to why or how. If any of this applies to you, you may be a highly sensitive person - together let’s explore the intricacies of this personality trait and how it impacts your day to day.